Originally Posted by Zeraph
4. This is more of a legitimate question, but just thought I'd throw it in here instead of making another thread. What are we going to do with prisoners with life sentences when we become quasi-immortal? Like when all diseases are cured and we can live 1000+ years theoretically. Once these "immortal" treatments become freely available, do we even give them to prisoners? How long does a life sentence become? And this scenario may not be far off, I could see this being a real concern within 50 years if things keep going the way they are in the medical industry.
Isn't there something when the Judge sentences, he/she says, "you shall be imprisoned for the remainder of your natural life . . ."?
That is an interesting question though. With life expectancies rising, some things will have to be re-vamped. Where do you draw the line between basic medical care and life prolonging care?
Really though, a life sentence without possibly of parole is a death sentence. Just the sentence is given to nature to carry out, and not the State.