MSD, your not predictable. But that picture ... scarred me for life.
OK, the reason I asked
FlatLand Flyer to actually read the entire thing is because the first few pages look mighty attractive techniques then have a downward spiral, then back up, then back down. The key was to actually root out the good info. Beleive it or not, all the massive sites I've perused on the very subject of PUA is covered entirely in 13 pages of 40 posts long.
So, for the ones who "fake it till they make it", lets face it man, if you try hard enough you'll get laid by anyone. Sometimes all you have to do is simply
be there at the right time. So no, "fake it till you make it"
is a beginning concept but not one that is intended to last. More like target practice.
Building confidence to make yourself a better person,
IS the point of the PUA community. Don't you understand that lack of self esteem for many of us begins with thinking were "
sleaziest, most reprehensible people you can find in daily life". Your points number 3 and 4 are really the same. But we do want to be better.
Like Will smith in Hitch said "some of us actually 'like' women". Yes, 'like'. Not love, you don't love someone you don't know. We want to make friends. Lack of self esteem prevents that. So this ....
... is also inacurate in a sense because what you described right there isn't really a pick up artists at all. I very much doubt anyone with that attitude would get to stick his dick in any hole with half a brain despite any of his PUA Skillz.
Now Mystery, on the other hand... had daddy issues that he addressed the wrong way. Sure his social condition became some sort of double edged sword, one that's an archiles heel as well as a driver -(motivator/muse/obsession ... whatever you may call it) which drove him to the edge and made him fantastic at perfecting superficial abilities, learning how to drop bad and gaining good habits of the wrong kind. IMHO, he never really grew up. So in essence, he failed.