Originally Posted by Xerxys
I hate that thread and the fact that it's in the Hall of Fame is an unconcealable wart on the face of TFP. Bits of good advice strewn among shit.
Originally Posted by Xerxys
Pickup can be trial and error or you can refine the skills spread by various aficionados who have written the books on it. MSD may frown upon such behavior but even he agrees that once you get past the stage of trying to look like a stud and actually become far more confident, you develop a tendency to make better friends, girls and guys ... all round health.
Haha, am I really that predictable? Good call on my objecting, though.
There are four valuable things you can learn from the PUA community: Fake it until you make it, build confidence to make yourself a better person, the majority of pickup artists are worthless human beings, and the average pickup artist is a pathetic manchild with stunted social development who has a warped perspective of interpersonal relationships and bases his self-worth on how many warm holes he's stuck his dick into because he substitutes his ability to follow a formula and manipulate women for having any redeeming qualities as a person.
Pickup is wrongly titled because it centers on the male slut. But those (all of them) who have perfected the skill, grew out of that stage.
Not really. Maybe a few of the famous ones, but take a look at Mystery. Confident, women find him attractive, and when a long-term girlfriend broke up with him he ended up in a psych hospital for a few weeks because he couldn't deal with it. The "community" (not just guys who read The Game and think they can get women) aside from the famous ones is full of the sleaziest, most reprehensible people you can find in daily life.