There most certainly will be more free Wacos. And free Ruby Ridges. And free Katrina gun confiscations. And free moderate rulings by the SCOTUS on the Second Amendment. And free gun control laws. And pretty much free everything.
DK, you're rare in that you're a part of gun culture but you're not a part of authoritarian/establishment culture. Most gun culture'd people are all about supporting the troops, supporting police and firemen, supporting the Republicans in congress and in the White House, etc and supporting the corporations that infect the free market. They absolutely love the daddy state. They love the politicians that say they want limited government while at the same time are making huge grabs for power and spending billions of taxpayer dollars. I've got news for you, if things do really escalate in this country to where you're concerned they might, a state requiring armed insurrection, it's going to be the daddy state that's responsible. Because of that, most of the armed populace, those enamored with the Second Amendment, will join the escalation instead of fight against it. You and I will find ourselves on the same side facing most of the people Dunedan described buying up all those guns and ammo.