As much as I'm not an advocate for gay marriage, I still think that video IS DOING IT WRONG.
I spotted numerous logical arguments in there that annoyed me.
Firstly the issue of freedom.
"My freedom will be taken away (if gay marriage is approved)"
Sorry, but.... HUH?
Since when did gay marriage have any effect on anyone else's freedom? Freedom to what? Live? Eat? Breathe? Have hetero sex?????
Secondly, the issue of choosing between faith and job- unless this doctor is somehow forced into accepting gay marriage and should she choose not to advocate it, her job will thus be lost, then she has a right to make that statement a valid argument against gay marriage.
But.... WHAT?!
Thirdly: "Those advocates will have to change the way I live"
I'm sorry, but WHAT THE FISH?
Just because someone else advocates gay marriage means your way of live is disturbed???
How the heck is that even possible?
oh god, if you want to spend millions of dollars on a campaign against gay marriage, at least stop the ad hominems, strawman arguments and throwing red herrings all over the video.
They make Theists look like idiots!