Originally Posted by Charlatan
Why is it that when ever a Democrat is in the White House there is talk of revolution?
I know, right? Republicans have done so much to help the economy in the last
XX years. Time to change the flavor of the "good old boys" we have running the country to something with less of a southern drawl and a more diverse skin color. Perhaps that's too progressive for parts of America here in 2009.
This old
Red Dawn bullshit speaks of new generation of lower middle class meatheads that are starting to experience their first real hardship. Gotta blame somebody: "snobby liberals" in the government. Gotta have some kind of magical power trinket to cuddle like an adult security blanket: guns, guns, guns.
"Holy shit, Jethro... if I hadn't spent $6k on these tricked ARs and 1911s I coulda dealt with being unemployed for a few weeks! Gosh dangit!"
Plenty of individual idiots with guns. But a cohesive unit with a grievance that has escalated beyond moderate, civil protest? Pfft, not in the US. Hah, closest thing we have to an "armed revolution" here in the US is the ELF/ALF... armed with Molotovs and strictly targeting property (no-kill philosophy).
I've got half a dozen "assault weapons" within ten feet of me as I sit here and write this. They're pretty much useless for the problems we face today.