When we ask whether something is "wrong" or "right", we usually associate it with a moral obligation that has not been fulfilled/that the subject is against. On a more macro point of view, we delve deeper into the philosophical debate of rightness and wrongness, and the question stands:
What is right or wrong?
In the event we do not have any desire to postulate the merits of either side, we should thus ask:
What is it wrong in, or, when is it wrong?
Of course, skipping touching upon the epistemology of such a subject is akin to going into a dark forest without so much as a candle, so we would have to define the concepts of wrongness of plastic surgery.
PS is plagued by negativity more often than not.
Is it wrong to have PS when you need it for survivability? E.g. your face got smashed and your nose turns out looking like something they dragged out from the river nile. Is it still horrific to have it?
Is it wrong to have a couple of botoxes because your crows eyes are showing up and you absolutely cannot let people gawk at your really insignificant mass of lines near your eyes?
Is it wrong to send your child for PS against her wishes just because you feel she's ugly? It's for her own good, you think. But is it, really?
It depends. For me, I don't really care if you had a boob/lip/face/nose/hand job, as long as you do not force someone against their wishes to do it or do not gain an unfair advantage in any situation based on the fact that you got your body (or parts thereof) rectified to be aesthetically more pleasing; by all means, PLEASE do go ahead to change yourself if it makes you happy. If you want to ruin yourself physically as well as mentally by justifying your lack of aesthetic features in the hopes that it will bring you infinitely more happiness in real life in lieu of a missing sense of self confidence, then also, please, be my guest with your delusions.
With the latter said, though, I don't see why people argue against PS and condemn it like it's a curse from God or something and justify their disapproval with a simple "because it's wrong".
It's wrong because?