no offence, but tl;dr.
I read until the part where you had a chat with spice girl, and decided to tell you that i do have chats with random spiritual entities, only my experiences were nowhere as psychedelic as yours and they tend to occur inside my head and with a sexless, well, thing.
Ok fine, I don't know if mine are spiritual or not (I highly doubt so) because as I grew up, I learnt that there's this word called introspection and well, if you find that you need a drug to induce you to a hallucigenic state where you can gain some semblance of escape + offer you some introspection, by all means, go ahead to induce it, although for the sake of the stumbling wayward impressionable teenager/misguided person who happens to stumble across this thread and would think "hey what a good idea! If op is able to meet colourful deities and have such fantabulous conversations with them about life and how much it's screwed, maybe I should try it too!", I would suggest that they DO rethink it over because there ARE ways that such an experience is able to be induced WITHOUT the need for hallucinogens.
All you need is to either be in a very charged up state and have clarity of mind. I tend to philosophize and rationalise my actions/behaviours when I feel mentally sharp.
Just my two cents.