Are you a morning person?
I know I’m not. Although I’m not like my best friend who wakes up with a mood that is not different from Godzilla on a rampage, I do find it hard to spring out of bed and get my gears working for the day (which explains why I keep a bottle of coffee + Equal + creamer in my office drawer).
I find I function much better from 12 am - 4 am (GMT +8), and am generally capable of producing more intellectual caveats at said timings instead of in the day (which has a direct correlation to optimum functionality, and therefore the argument that I am better at night!)
Theories to this odd biological function do include notions of vampirism, but fret not, I do not drink blood. Well, not yet anyway…
So yes, any other owls here? Nocturnal people who function so much better in the wee, ungodly hours (gawd, who the heck came up with that term? God follows our working hours now eh?) of the morning (or dead of night, take your pick)?
Last edited by Psychologist; 05-10-2009 at 10:28 AM..