Originally Posted by JumpinJesus
It's this very type of snobbery that makes politics so ugly to so many members.
Are you really going to keep jumping into threads to talk about what's supposedly driving people away from the forum? Don't you think that in and of itself might be something that would drive people away? This discussion is about reparations. He called me racist, I told him to back it up. That's discussion, that's debate. A reparations thread isn't going to be an emotionless, unexciting place, it's going to have radically different opinions clashing, as it should be. Please, everyone, stop with the public pity parties about the amount of posts and posters. It's not helping anything.
Originally Posted by timalkin
Wrong. Black culture doesn't place much value on marriage. That's why there is a higher rate of single parenthood. The biggest problem facing black people is their culture. Unfortunately, no amount of white help will fix a broken culture. They have to do it themselves.
Can you elaborate about how you came to this conclusion about the entire black race not putting value on marriage? And before you type, ask yourself if this would be something you'd be willing to say to the face of one of your black friends or coworkers.
I'll be the first to admit that income isn't going to be the only factor in divorce, but it's a major contributing factor, probably the largest overall. Other contributing factors are religion, age, location, and children. And yes, culture. Still, saying that black culture doesn't place much value on marriage is waaaay out there.