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Old 05-09-2009, 07:57 PM   #108 (permalink)
Location: San Antonio, TX
I saw 'it' last night. Mostly very awesome. I'm never going back to the IMAX I saw it at again, though - there was *crap* all over the picture, including at one point a freaking *hair* we could see wiggling around in front of the picture. Really detracted from the overall experience.

I'm just gonna spoiler the rest of my comments, in case anyone who hasn't seen it yet is dumb enough to read this thread. :-)


o The way the cast worked together. Didn't seem very forced at all.
- Uhuru and Spock making out - awesome! Especially since the made Ururu more of a geek gurl than shown in TOS.
- Spock losing his temper was awesome.
- Kirk + McCoy working together was good.
- Old spock was awesome.
- They included Sulu and Chekov very nicely...the sword was a little cheesy, especially how Sulu said that he had learned 'fencing', and that was *not* a fencing sword, it was a katana, or similar. 'Wictor' - awesome.
- Red shirt buys it. Awesome.
o The villain was pretty good - I liked how he was 'working class' in a lot of ways - like how he talked to Captain Pike...when they hailed each other. I can't remember the exact words, but it was well done.
o I liked the 'Red matter' concept - pretty cheesy in a way, but they didn't try to over-explain it or anything. It just was what it was.
o I loved the way they handled the alternate-universe thing. Very well-done, I thought. Gives them a great way to explore the characters and universe in a different setting.
o Loved all the little nods to TOS. I probably missed many of them, but those that I saw were cool.
o I expected them to go back in time or something to save Vulcan, but I liked that they didn't. That's a *huge* change. Wow.

Didn't like:
o The biggest thing that bothered me was the silliness with the ice planet - and there was lots of it.
- Why would spock toss kirk on a frozen rock to begin with? Instead of, you know, the brig. I can maybe see that he was worried that McCoy or someone else would let him free again...but if he was afraid of McCoy doing that, then he could have brigged them both. You could also argue that he was showing signs of emotional loss of control over the loss of his planet/mother.
- The chased-by-monsters scene was cute, but a little too cute for my taste.
- The thing that really, really bothered me - Kirk just happens to run into the cave where old-spock is hanging out. Beyond improbable. Surely they could have set this up better.
o I would've liked maybe a little more homage to the original score.
o There wasn't quite enough 'Enterprise-pr0n' for my taste - there were some wide shots, and some very tight shots, and of course lots of action shots, but I really wanted just a nice 'look at me!' flyover of The Ship.
o Minor nits:
- They made a big deal about how hard it was to transport someone that was in motion with Kirk & Sulu, but then didn't have a problem with spock as he was ramming the mining ship, even though he would've been moving *much* faster.
- The supernova that 'threatened the galaxy' and then 'unexpectedly' toasted Romulus wasn't very clear at all. Hypothetically a big enough supernova could threaten large parts of the galaxy, but there would be plenty of time to know when and what it was going to hit - the fastest it could spread would be the speed of light, and warp drive is much faster.
- Speaking of speed, warp drive is obviously very fast, but it seemed like they got from place to place in just a few minutes. That doesn't seem to jive with the other info, or with what makes sense - otoh, the whole series has had lots of problems with exactly how fast warp drive is, so they get a pass on this one.
- How close to vulcan was the ice planet? If it was further than the same solar system as vulcan, then that doesn't make sense either.
- Ok, ok, this is petty, but when Scotty was trapped in the water-pipe thing, and kirk released him, not nearly enough water came with him, even if the hatch closed pretty quickly. I know, minor.

Last edited by robot_parade; 05-09-2009 at 08:00 PM.. Reason: Oops, messed up the spoiler tag.
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