Originally Posted by ratbastid
No, it would fall slower than it would fall on the earth. The question doesn't ask whether it would fall faster than a feather or slower than a brick. Since it's vacuum, they'd all fall at the same rate--but it would be slower than they'd fall on Earth.
Weird, my physics knowledge trumps my reading ability. I thought for sure he was comparing the falling speed of the pen to the fall speed the Apollo astronauts' "heavy boots" with that statement. A feather would still fall slower on earth than on the moon though :P
Back on topic. Science and Religion do NOT mix. When God is always the answer, there's nothing to teach. Until God comes down from Heaven and tells me how he created it 6k years ago and just made it look 4.5 billion years old I'm going to go with the easier explanation and assume it really is 4.5 billions years old.