Originally Posted by roachboy
ace--what exactly is the point that you imagine yourself to be making with this?
You know me, I have this thing with hypotheticals and analogies. When my mind is not fully occupied, I just start thinking about what-if and silly little comparisons. I have been doing since childhood. Today, I do even when I am walking down the street - what would I do if someone put a gun in my back and asked for my wallet? What would I do if I saw that happening to the elderly woman in front of me? Just one of my many idiosyncrasies. But then I don't do drugs, smoke, or drink.
the rationale behind conventions that ban torture and other war crimes have to do with two basic problems:
a) inflicting excessive pain
b) placing limits around the collective psychosis of war.
the first should be obvious even to you.
No it is not clear. For example my pain tolerances are very different from my spouses. In some things she tolerates more or less pain than I can. Our threshold of what we would consider "torture" are different. So, when Bush tried to get clearly defined parameters for enhance interrogation techinques, I think that was a good thing and I think it was the moral thing to do, rather than leaving the issue to chance and being vague.