Originally Posted by pan6467
Ok so no one answered my question as to when enough is enough. Let's say we give reparations and we still have blacks in poverty, then what? Do we give more and more?
"Enough is enough" when we give them the same opportunities as their white counterparts. That's when it's enough and not a moment sooner. And there will be a transition period. Even if all the right changes were made today, we wouldn't see even prison populations, even education, etc. for many, many years. That's the price we pay for waiting so damned long.
Originally Posted by pan6467
What about the whites living in poverty? Are they shit out of luck simply because they were "lucky" to be born white and thus have so much more going for them?
All of the changes I listed would help impoverished people regardless of skin color. After-school programs in lower income areas wouldn't just help black kids, they'd help any child that might otherwise be in danger of falling into a gang or drug use. The reason I call it reparations is that its implementation will help black people more because proportionally more black people are lower class. In truth, it would help Latinos, Asians, whites, blacks, and any other people that are impoverished. It'll just happen to help Latinos and blacks more.
Originally Posted by pan6467
What about the personal responsibility issues I have listed above and yet they have been ignored?
What about the multitude of responses? They're right above.