Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Given that Locke and possibly Christian were brought back to life by the island
WOAH. I hadn't considered that. I thought Christian was an island-driven figment, like Kate's horse, Hurley's loonybin buddy, etc. But you're right--his coffin was empty after all. He's had a very "I have a purpose now"-like zen certainty about him, on-island. Wow. Hadn't thought about that. Maybe he's literally alive just like Locke is.
Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
The one time Alpert looked calm and understanding, he was under orders from Locke to help Locke.
I LOVE that. All season now, I've been wondering why Richard seemed like he knew what was going on in THAT moment, and the rest of the time has been all "What's going on, guys??" Now we know.
Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
I like how the compass formed a causal circle. It's a cool kind of headache. They did Sayid's return nicely, I thought. Kate works well as the voice of sanity. And I loved Ben's reaction to Locke's plan at the end of the episode.
Compass: I kind of lost track of it. I don't know where it came from originally--is it a chicken-egg? Locke gave it to Richard in the fifties, in the era of the live h-bomb. Richard still had it "three years later", when John flashed there and received it from Richard... so he could flash back and give it to Richard in the fifties?? Do I have it right?
Sayid's return was beautiful. How long has he been stalking them, you think?
That last shot of Ben just reminded me what a BRILLIANT actor Michael Emerson is. Absolutely fucking brilliant.