Originally Posted by spindles
That's it - hand in your Aussie passport. Not liking beetroot on your burgers is a crime that requires you to be banished!!
Now on topic - beetroot you cook yourself tastes heaps different to what comes out of can, which is usually far to sweet and vinegary. Buy some at the shops and roast it or (if you have a juicer, make some apple and beetroot juice - great colour and most kids will at least give it a go...
spindles - ive been banished half way across the otehr side of the world - is that not punishment enough?
now that i think about it, i dont recall seeing fresh beetroot here at all for the last 2 years
how would you make apple and betroot juice just out of curiosity? is the beet not very hard? could you chuck it in a blender? im very beet-ignorant because ive neglected it for so many years