Texas is only 6000 years old! | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
During the Texas State Board of Education hearings on science standards for Texas schoolchildren, BoE member and staunch creationist Barbara Cargill decided that the age of the Universe was up for vote. Oddly enough, I had some issue with that. You may vote on issues all you want, and you can even vote on morality if you’d like, but scientific reality is not a matter of opinion and cares not for the majority vote.
Her amendment passed.
This isn't the first raping of standard intelligence that Texas has performed. As it is now, they teach creationism with the same expression on their face as they do evolution. All I can think of is the children who will grow up learning this shit.
This reminds me of a little article I read online about one student's research into the question of, "Why didn't the Apollo astronauts float off the moon?" The answers were astounding. Of course, one popular answer was, "heavy boots." Right.
Ahh.. here it is:
Heavy Boots
Parents, I hope this raises your awareness of how important it is to send your kid to a good school. Avoid Texas at all costs.