Never Been Single. I Need Help!
Ok, a little back story.
I married my high school sweetheart. She was my first girlfriend, kiss, lover, everything. Through life, we moved away to get educated and just basically live with each other. That was all well and good I guess, but we became unhappy with each other and we are now divorced.
So, I have always been painfully shy with women. I did not pursue the ex-wife. She pursued me and made all the first moves. I know that this is not what normally happens. I know that I need to get the ball rolling with women so to speak. I am introverted. I like to sit back and listen to people and chime in when I think it is worth it, even with my friends.
Obviously what I am saying is that I have no idea how to approach a woman, how to act, what to say, everything. I am 29 years old and lack these basic social skills. My friends will talk to a girl at a bar and try to get them to talk to me, but I guess they must not like that because it does not happen or get past hello.
I can walk up to a girl and say hello, but then what the hell do I do after that? I am clueless to signals and as far as I know only one girl has ever had any interest in me.
I am afraid of being alone for the rest of my life and I want to develop some skills and if possible, play the field a little and see what is out there.
Any help would be appreciated.