Like I said earlier we need to fix the disparities in the education system. On top of that we need to fix the disparities in the justice system. Let's face it white people get off much lighter than minorities for comparable crimes. Why is the punishment for crack cocaine so much worse than cocaine? They are the same drug in a different form. Could it be that crack cocaine is the preferred drug of rich white people?
To many minority children in the country are growing up without a father, either because they are dead, in prison, or just a dead beat. This problem cannot be easily fixed and it is going to take time. To do this we need to change an entire culture. We need to give the children a good education and good role models. We need programs that keep the children engaged in positive activity and not the negative activities that are plaguing their culture.
What was done is done and is now unimportant compared to what we can do now. We will never change the past but we can change the future. Simply giving land/money to people will not solve these problems which is one major reason that I do not support reparations. Instead we can use that same money to change the entire culture for the good.