Originally Posted by Willravel
Because this country screwed over an entire race for centuries and it didn't stop with the abolition of slavery. It's still fucking going on now.
May I assume you mean the Cherokee, Apache, Sioux, Blackfoot, et al, nations?
Re: Germans paying back for the Holocaust: Descendants are getting their artworks, jewelry, etc. back in drips and drabs. My grandmother's family was wiped out but I don't expect nor would I ask for whatever they had or the monetary value of such.
My grandfather, the son of a well-to-do merchant, became an orphan and a refugee from Russia around the time of the Bolshevik Revolution. Do the Russians owe my family? Nah...
I am not the descendant of slave owners, I am not a descendant of any early Americans and my taxes pay for enough drivel. I am one paycheck away from homelessness and can't afford steak but I'm supposed to support restitution to a single group of people based on their heritage? Nah..
History is history. Learn from it, move on, vow to never let it happen again.