Originally Posted by Willravel
You don't see anyone but black people complain, therefore only black people complain?
Also, not to nitpick, but oriental is not the preferred nomenclature.
No, I only see black people talk about how the white man keeps them down or how when they are caught doing something and told it is wrong, it becomes "you are racist."
I don't see any other group use "you are racist" as an excuse to get away with something.
I may not have a job because Saturday a black man, who oh by the way is a drug dealer and has a history of coming into detox only to find business, threatened me and put his hands on me (simply for the fact I told him I was busy and my co worker could dial the phone for him. He had just used the phone asking someone if they "were going to front the money" and that "there was a mistake because they had the wrong address but it's going to be ok tomorrow, you just need to front the money."). After he threatened me and touched me, I said I was going to call the cops.
He of course pulled the "you are racist" bullshit and went on a rampage telling every other client how the place is run by racists and I would never call the cops on a white guy. (ANY client threatens me and then touches me I'm calling the cops.) I am damn good at what I do and the color of skin/ethnicity/sex etc has never affected my helping others. 95% of my coworkers know this, as do most clients when they see me talking to people who are begging for help.
First shift said he was trying to pick fights on their shift. Clients stated he was angry and everyone saw he was trying to pick fights with them.
The problem now with the people I work for is not what happened, nor because I deferred him to another counselor to use the phone or that I called the cops but that this guy used the word "racist". Because of that, irregardless of his actions or the threats the company by policy and the county run ADM board and the Ohio Dept of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services (ODADAS) have to investigate the situation and I may lose my job.
This is just an example.
If you give reparations or even keep talking about it you allow this kind of behavior to continue. Simply because people will be able to use it as an excuse for poor behavior. It allows them to do that.
You want true equality and blind justice for all, then why continue to give excuses and condone this behavior?