Originally Posted by YaWhateva
I think I exaggerated my distaste for Grey Goose and Chopin but I do much prefer Belvedere over those two. And yeah, different strokes pretty much  Chopin being a potato vodka might be the reason I don't really prefer it. I have not tried Ketel One because a friend of mine said they hated it...but come to think of it, he likes Absolut so his opinion might be invalid haha. I'm definitely interested in trying it now.
Yeah my friends make fun of me because I tell them over and over that a martini is gin and a vodka martini is vodka!
yes, his opinion is invalid. Absolut and AristoCRAP are on the same level, Horrible vodkas. If you like Belvedere I think you'll really enjoy Ketel One. I've tried just about everything out there that I can get in the states and it's by far the best IMO.