Originally Posted by pan6467
So should the Germans make restitution to the Jews, Catholics, Communists and so on they killed during Hitler?
Without a doubt in my mind, absolutely. Germany committed what has to be one of the worst crimes in the history of our entire species. It's likely one of the worst things in the history of our planet. Germany is responsible for Germany's actions. I'm glad we had the Nuremberg trials, they were a step in the right direction, but ask a holocaust survivor if seeing a few officers convicted was restitution en . ough.
Originally Posted by pan6467
Should the Japanese make restitution to the Koreans?
Probably. I'm not as familiar with this as I am with WWII or black slavery in America.
Originally Posted by pan6467
Should the Egyptians make restitution to the Jews? You said there is no statute of limitations.
Jews aren't a race. I suppose if you could track down the descendants of the Semitics and Hurrians, there might be a case, but those people haven't existed in thousands of years
Originally Posted by pan6467
What about Spain for holding the Inquisition or for the way they treated the Indians when coming here?
It wasn't just the Spanish.
Originally Posted by pan6467
This type of thinking makes no sense to me. I'm sorry, no one in my family even fucking owned slaves. Slavery was long dead by the time my German/Italian/Irish/Welsh forefathers got here and not one ever lived South or West of Ohio as far as I know.
You are a part of a republic, as a citizen you take responsibility for your government. Your government didn't make reparations when it promised. Do you really think there should be a statute of limitations on slavery? Can you really defend that position besides with "oh, but I don't own slaves"?
Originally Posted by pan6467
I have tax dollars going to bail out banks that raise my fees and credit card rates, I have taxes going to pay for AIG executive bonuses (oops someone blabbed people got mad and Obama fixed that.... ), I've got tax money going to help foreign countries that hate us and laughingly own our debt...... and you think we need to give more to African Americans because of slavery that we abolished some 140+ years ago??????? Are you fucking nuts?
The bailout has nothing to do with reparations. Also, get off Obama. They have nothing to do with this, they're just red herrings. This is an ethical question.
Originally Posted by pan6467
We have an African American as president right now..... wtf higher glass ceiling is there? And people still want to say this is a racist country and we hold the black man down?
Barack Obama isn't descended from slaves. So, again, he has nothing to do with this.
Originally Posted by pan6467
What reasoning is there for us to do more for ANY group of people over another?
Because this country screwed over an entire race for centuries and it didn't stop with the abolition of slavery. It's still fucking going on now.
Originally Posted by pan6467
Scholarships and financial aid should be totally blind to skin color or ethnic/religious/political etc backgrounds.
That assumes everything else is fair. Since it's not, you can't force it by pretending an unlevel playing field is level.
Originally Posted by pan6467
To give a people more simply because of a past that is OVER and done with is just creating far more problems than it will solve.
You don't understand what it's like to be black in America and neither do I. That
episode of South Park is right. We'll never get what it's like at all. What I do know is that as white people we don't have the right to say it's over.
Originally Posted by pan6467
Try working in the poverty areas... I don't see oriental people claiming racism and hatred, I don't see whites doing it, I don't see Jews or pagans doing it... I see adult African Americans who do not get their way using it and doing so because they will benefit from it. IT'S BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!
You don't see anyone but black people complain, therefore only black people complain?
Also, not to nitpick, but oriental is not the preferred nomenclature.