Originally Posted by raeanna74
My worry would be that if a new guy asks me if I've ever cheated, he's hoping to justify fooling around on me.
Or maybe the guy was cheated on by his wife or girlfriend, in a previous relationship, and it hurt him so bad and screwed him up so much, he wants to make sure it never happens again.
Originally Posted by Hyacinthe
I definitely agree with Taja - if you're not comfortable answering a question say so, if the guy is trying to force out information you're not comfortable giving him that is a huge red flag.
It's also a huge red flag if someone is uncomfortable answering the question, "Have you ever cheated?" Because, most people who have never cheated would simply answer, "No," and be done with that.
BTW, I'm not casting stones at NorthernGirl, here, who has admitted that she has cheated on an ex, in her past. See, I too have cheated on an ex, in my past. And I too have been asked by a subsequent person that I had just started dating, the question, "Have you ever cheated?" To which I replied, "Yes, I have. It was years ago, and it was a huge mistake. I'm deeply sorry that I did it, and I intend never to cheat again." Was I uncomfortable having to say that? Yes, very. But then I said, "Why was this important enough to you, for you to ask such a deeply personal question, so soon in our relationship?"
EDIT: Oops! I just realized this thread is in the Ladies Lounge. Sorry, ladies (and mod's).