Originally Posted by Esoteric
This thread is funny because in all actuality no one really knows how to drive. We all do the best we can to not get into car accidents, but I guarantee you've all made silly mistakes on the road from not signaling a lane change to running a red. Stop acting like you're holier than thou.
Originally Posted by Wrexify
I'd hope everyone agrees that they aren't perfect. This kind of discussion is usually pretty biased and self-serving, but it's easy to vent about with other people who feel the same way.
Everyone who drives faster than you is a maniac while everyone who drives slower than you is a moron. If everyone could just start being perfect like me, we wouldn't have any problems
The both of you are wrong, Today as I was driving in my new stick shift hooptie that I own outright and lurching down the road because I've only driven a stick like twice in my life and I intend to not go a millimile over 25 till I get the hang if it, I still think I'm better than all of you.
X for Xerxys then????