Originally Posted by pan6467
Really? Person with a college degree, works 40 hours a week makes let's say $10 an hour life is bleak because there are no longer jobs anywhere, he's stuck paying his rent, utilities and so on. His one vice is to go out once a week and see a movie. Who are you to tell him he's wrong and spending his money irresponsibly?
I wasn't in debt when I was making $10 an hour and living on my own.
I've lived on $10 an hour as recently as 2002. I'm not saying it's easy, but if it's not impossible to live on $10 an hour in San Jose back when the housing bubble was still peaking, it's not impossible anywhere. It simply takes an iota of fiscal discipline. Unfortunately, fiscal discipline is about as common in America as... say... socialism. How many people do you know that are out of debt? Now look at all the people in debt. Do you see any decisions that might make, maybe some small sacrifices, in order to be debt-free? I do.
I work directly with some of the poorest families in the bay area. Just 30 minutes ago, I had a gentleman come in wearing $100+ shoes and a decent watch looking for free food for his kids.
Originally Posted by pan6467
The fact he only makes $10 an hour while the CEO and upper management makes MILLIONS, is ok? Not to me.