Cromp, you make (at least, and quite possibly more than) one very good point: all my cars have spare tires. The vast, vast majority of miles I've driven, I've not needed a spare tire, and yet I carry it around and burn gas to accelerate it and use up brake pad to decelerate it. So, okay. By my logic, you shouldn't bother with having a spare tire because it's unlikely you'll need it. Yet that's obviously bad advice.
I think this is something everyone needs to choose for themselves. I just think, four links to Bad Mall Things versus the sheer mass of humanity who go visit the mall entirely without incident... It seems just silly to me to be concerned about being attacked there--I think that being worried about that speaks to a rather unfortunate world-view. If that's your world-view and you're committed to that, well okay, but I'd at least encourage you to examine it before swallowing it. That's really my whole point here.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
Hell, you should be more prepared for crazy shit than I, anyway... you've got more to live for.
I didn't get what I've got to live for by spending my time and energy preparing for the worst.