I am not saying that this is as bad as Rwanda, but I am establishing the principle that the international community does have the right to interfere in the business of a soveriegn state in some circumstances.
I think we all accept that this is true (in some circumstances)
The treatment of this girl for a (if people are hung up on the term "minor" let me say) non violent crime is a clear violation of international human rights law, and we do not have to hide behind the fact we do not want to be seen as imperialist when we say that we will not stand for it.
The British nation used to have the most powerful empire in the world, and I say that we still stand for something and we are not in a position yet where we are to be pushed around by Laos and tremble before them. We should defend our rights and the rights of our people if Laos aggressively interferes with them. I am not saying that I seek to prevent them executing their own citizens for ridiculous reasons, but I do say that I seel to prevent them executing British female citizens.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas