AHHHH It burns like hygiene!!!
Sorry - well not really
Personally I couldn't handle being in a relationship like that, the other half and I bathe atleast once a day - usually twice. We are both fanatical about things like body hair to (well more me then him really but he humours me). Like Shaindra I like the smell of HIM though - he laughs at me cause he'll get home from a training class and I'll just bury my face in his neck or chest and breathe deeply for a few minutes - then jump him.
I'm not sure there's anything you can say that will leave his emotions and pride completely unscathed - maybe just invite him into the shower with you before you intend on any hanky panky - you know start off with a steamy shower scene.
Not really a long term fix though.
Maybe as he finishes his online schooling or something then he'll improve on the hygiene standards but if it is causing you discomfort he needs to know.