See, in all honesty I could be swayed to armed revolution and believe it or not I'm not a radical right wing nut.
I just see the country's leaders and media working hand in hand with big business and whichever party happens to be in power decides which companies will succeed and which will be hurt. An excellent example is watching who got TARP funds, who didn't who now has to sell to bigger banks that got TARP and so on. TARP has not and it's purpose is not to help the people but the banks and the top 5%. The rest of us just pay for it.
I think for the top 5% to complain they pay too much in taxes when in the past 20+ years they have watched their wealth increase exponentially while the middle class has lost and continues to lose more is pathetic. If that top 5% doesn't want to pay high taxes and truly believes in personal responsibility and the opportunity for someone to become self made, they would invest more into local businesses and build a better tax base instead of outsourcing and raping the workers.
I blame government because both parties have allowed the rich to get richer and done nothing to rebuild a truly viable tax base.
I look at the media and a great example of how they can make a company extremely wealthy is how they have scared us with the Swine Flu. In doing so (along with WHO), they have increased Tamiflu sales into what 500%? And if you research and see Donald Rumsfield gets 14-22% of its sales you can see why. (BTW Tamiflu sales also skyrocketed for the Avian Flu).
Donald Rumsfeld's controversial links to drug company behind Tamiflu | Mail Online
Anyway, back to the topic.... IF and only IF there was a true outcry to retake the country for the hard working middle class and not some bullshit given by talking heads with agendas of their own.... I would arm and join immediately.
But since that won't happen, I guess I'll just sit back and watch the country destroyed by the greed of the extreme wealthy and the political extremists who have such powerlusts they don't give a damn about people's rights or this country... they only want more power to control people's lives.... except of course the extreme wealthy that allows them that power.