Originally Posted by Willravel
Sure, the character was very pious compared to modern standards in some ways, talking about how divorce and remarriage are adultery for example, but he was very clear about things like inclusion, caring for the poor, and community.
Sure. But he wasn't at all clear about indirectly and directly forcing others to be inclusive, compassionate, and socially responsible under penalty of earthly law.
The Jesus character was extremely progressive for the time, and even would be a progressive today.
It's not clear that he'd be the least bit politically inclined.
I don't ever remember Jesus saying "God helps those that help themselves" or "I'd like to heal you, but your HMO doesn't cover leprosy."
Now you're just being silly.
To conservatives reading this: what about Jesus would fit with modern conservatism? What if Jesus were to get in a debate with John McCain or Dick Cheney? Would he agree with them on policy or disagree with them?
Better idea: you point out the conservative ideas that Jesus hates and the Biblical evidence of this.
There's probably some, but not nearly as many as you suggest. I don't see, for instance, Jesus insisting upon tax-funded universal health care, because while he said 'render under Caesar', it was frickin' CAESAR - indicating that Jesus wasn't all that concerned about the content of the government you were rendering unto.