Originally Posted by Jove
What is wrong with Daniel Faraday? I mean seriously, you would think a super intelligent guy would think about what he is doing before walking in the hostile camp with a loaded gun demanding to see his mother and threatening to shoot Richard Alpert in 3 seconds if she doesn't show up. I am not upset what happened to the guy, more annoyed with his and the other Lostie's behavior.
I'm willing to excuse it because:
A) For the first time in a long time, he didn't know what was going to happen.
B) He's was in a near panic because of the imminent "incident".
C) The Others are really scary and vicious. Imagine walking into a biker-gang clubhouse, desperately needing to make an outrageous demand. How exactly would you do that?
I'm sad to see him go but it serves the story. I think the time travel looping is coming to an end and that by the end of this season (if not sooner) everyone will be synced up in present day and moving forward together.
*Wild theory Alert*
Unless a future generation is coming back to meddle with the present, like say all those children who have gone missing.