Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
When Americans revolted against the British Empire, they didn't try to overthrow or usurp King George. Instead they kicked British rule out of their territory. This is how I see a conservative revolution happening today. Parts of the country attempting to force federal power out of their states or parts of their states, maybe even going as far as trying to rid of both federal and state power, where state power doesn't sympathize.
If these paranoid types see the Obama administration as corrupt, socialist, and/or infringing on "God-given rights," why wouldn't they try to rid their communities of this "evil" federal power? If they think the feds are coming after their guns (as that individual had recently), why wouldn't they revolt with these guns? What happens if this occurs on the level of the community, and other similar communities are spurred as a result? What if they form a solidarity as a result?
Hmm. That sounds awfully familiar. I think I heard about something like that happening, back in the early 1860s.