Originally Posted by Cynosure
I agree with you, here. Which is one of the big reasons why I was opposed to McCain's pick of Palin as his running mate. The thought of McCain as President dying while in office, and Palin – a fundamentalist Christian, and an ardent believer in the literal Rapture and the subsequent Battle of Armageddon – becoming the Commander-in-Chief of the world's most powerful military (not to mention the world's most powerful nuclear arsenal), gave me the chills.
This might be the wrong thread, but ... really? Don't we have erm congress? To prevent a stupid idiot from starting a war? I mean, please pretend Bush never happened for a second and answer me this ... if I became president today by technicality because I'm related to the queen twice removed by marriage or some shit ... I thought I need waaaay more grounds to actually do anything let alone fart without permission.