Originally Posted by PonyPotato
Okay, guys, I work at the Department of Health and Human Services.
I was just on a conference call with a couple people who are dealing with this firsthand - clinical testing of individuals suspected to have H1N1, and those distributing the pharmaceuticals to treat it.
Their worry is not that everything is going to go batshit crazy right now. Their concern, and the concern of most public health agencies, is that we are nearing the end of the flu season right now. In all likelihood, if it is not contained and destroyed now, we will see a LOT of swine flu in the fall when flu season rears its sneezy, nasty, fevery head again. And then it will be more dangerous.
Yes, I mean, that's all very reasonable. That, however, is not what any of the "buzz" has been about, nor what any of the WHO's releases have been about. Being worried that NEXT YEAR's flu season will be more severe and more dangerous because we have a new variety of flu out there that we may be less prepared to deal with is worlds away from the "IMMEDIATE GLOBAL EPIDEMIC FEAR FOR YOUR LIVES" stuff that has been so widespread since this first hit.
I'm glad there are people who are actually dealing with this rationally and looking at the big picture, but I wish the message was a little more clear so people can behave rationally about it all.