I doubt anyone's gone and listened to any Apex Theory songs per my recommendation... really, though, you want to hear some well-rounded drumming, listen to the song 4RA's... as far as I can tell, the beginning of the song is played by hand (without a stick in it)... also listen to a lot of their other songs to hear how well Sammy J. Watson sets the pace for the twisted time signatures that they use... I think you'll then see why I think he's got Bonham beat by a longshot.
Also, I agree with what someone said about drum solos. I don't think that a drum solo automatically makes a good drummer, for one thing, and for another, I really don't think drum solos are all that necessary to songs, period. They're more fluff than anything else, and mostly I just think they make most songs sound bad. Guitar/Bass/Keyboard solos are the ones that really matter to me.
Again, that's just me.
Your arms are broken!