Originally Posted by YellowBird
For starters I'd appreciate not being called a "poor girl" it's rather demeaning.
Kinsey's scale, if you care to look it up in wiki, is a 7 step scale from zero being Exclusively heterosexual to six being Exclusively homosexual, 3 being bisexual and then you have all the steps in between.
the scale is viewed as being reasonably set. aka a person fits a certain number on the scale and it may change over time but it isn't something that changes regularly. - it doesnt allow for the idea that someone can be "cured", mainly cause that's a fucking stupid idea that the catholic church came up with and because it wasnt created with that in mind, it was created with the idea that not everyone fits into boxes, it allows for a little more flexibility. - unfortunately this is only valid if your writing a research paper on human sexuality, it doesnt work in the real world cause most people havent heard of it and if you said, "I'm a two on the Kinsey scale" people would laugh.
does anyone know or have read research about what does actually cause sexuality? I always assumed it was biological of some description but I dont actually know.
As for civil rights I think the world needs to get over it's self and realize that hey, we're not all the same, everyone deserves the same respect and rights. I don't understand why people have so much trouble with this concept and why we have to make it specific to gay people or black people, we're all equal are we not?
Something else that came to mind after reading the responses, is the issue of gay marriage, I know I just said that people are people we're all equal but this is slightly different for this reason - in australia (where I am) to my knowledge there is words in the legislation on marriage that gives a married couple the RIGHT to have children. I think that if gay couples are suddenly given this "right" there could be a few issues.
the other topic - emo kids- they piss me and probably everyone else off. but they have kinda fucked with the idea of what "Bi" is, am I right? - it kind of becomes an issue when people start telling you your an attention seeker or your just trying to be cool because you've messed around with girls. It seems counter intuitive.
all of which still leaves me confused. maybe I am just a silly little girl who's experimenting. or maybe it's more then that. I dont know.
also, any thoughts on threesomes?
I can't really suggest, nor can anyone else honestly, what you should do or not. It is YOUR lifestyle, and the best that we can do is give you feedback from what we have seen and/or encountered and give you the information. This being said, the choice of openly dating women or men, or both for that matter, can have a lot of bearing based on what kind of life you live in a personal standpoint. Are you a college student, who has a part time job at Wal-mart? Or are you a graduate who has a important position in a high-profile job? Are you in or planning on joining the military? All these can be affected by openly dating other women.
For example, if you are currently in, or considering joining the military, I would recommend keeping a tight lid on your interest in other women. Also if you have a high-profile job, you may need to consider if being openly bi/gay might be detrimental to your position. While I personally fully support a person's right to do whatever the heck they want sexually (within of course the limits of the law) I also am realistic in the fact that one's sexual orientation can be a SERIOUS issue in their career.
On another of your comments, about the kids these days: I have 2 daughters who are in their teens, and we have an open door policy when it comes to sexuality with them. They know that we support and love then irregardless of what they choose to be. My oldest one went through a phase, similar to what you had described, where at that time it was the "in" thing for a girl to be bi. She discovered it wasn't her cup of tea shortly into her experimentation time. My youngest one, well to be honest, I'm not sure where she fits. She has mentioned her interest in other girls, but has stated mater-of-factly that she feels emotions towards boys, but likes the fun with other girls. So I guess I don't know quite where to put her...lol. This all leads to what is popular. Both of them have said that in their school here in Texas, being bi is an "in" thing for girls, but when we lived in Florida, those girls were chastised and looked down on, so they tended to keep it more secret. So I am sure that acceptance is geographic as well, and based on local acceptance.
As far as 3-somes, I say it is entirely up to you and the other 2 involved. I have been in both types of 3-somes before, and it can be accomplished easily. You just have to make sure everyone involved is equally into the idea, or problems can crop up.
I say the choice on openly dating is entirely up to you. Whatever YOU personally feel comfortable with should be what you choose to do. Nobody can tell you what is best for you, but yourself. Hope this post helps in some way...and if you are in another 3-some....pics are requested...hahaha. (just playing)