A therapist is definitely the way to go as we're talking years worth of issues that need to be worked through. If you want a shot at a healthy perception of yourself and a healthy relationship - getting professional help is your best bet.
As for not being able to get her off, I wouldn't worry about it too much. We've all got our own particular ways of getting off and it can take a good long while for you to learn your partners body well enough to make her climax.
What I would be worried about is the fact that she's gotta know what's going on here. Get thee to a therapist.
I should also add,
Originally Posted by Anonymous Member
About 2 months ago... I've met a girl that I'm pretty sure I am going to marry.
You might want to put some serious thought into that.
And also,
Originally Posted by Anonymous Member
My girlfriend is mildly receptive to me in bondage, but not really into it.
Read my signature - having her step her game up in order to please you isn't going to do anything except worsen the issue and stress your relationship. Nip it in the bud before it gets worse.