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Old 04-28-2009, 02:15 PM   #11 (permalink)
FuglyStick's Avatar
Location: Southern Illinois
This is a subject I've been meaning to discuss.

It seems bisexuality has become the new fad among kids that want to be viewed as "edgy" or "alternative". I don't think the majority of those kids on mySpace claiming to be bisexual are bisexual at all.

I have no problem with homosexuality being a result of biology and brain chemistry. There is a train of thought in the scientific community that sexual orientation is wired according to the hormonal soup we swim in while still in the womb. By that reasoning, it's possible for people to be biologically bisexual as well.

Which brings up the difference between sexual orientation and sexual behavior. Fundamentalists have forever been preaching that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice that can be cured; the gay community has been countering that homosexuality is not a choice, but a biological fact, for just as long. Fundamentalists say that if you stop practicing homosexual behavior you stop being homosexual; the gay community says you can live your whole life in denial without ever engaging in homosexual behavior and still be a homosexual.

And therein lies the rub. Because you engage in homosexual or bisexual behavior, are you really homosexual or bisexual? I would posit that in most cases you are not. We live in a day when sexual freedom is accepted more openly than it has been for decades; consequently, sexual experimentation is more and more prevalent. (I will be accused of being a prude, but sex for many people today is little more than the mutual masturbation of each other's genitals.) People may follow up on sexual attraction with the same gender, but that doesn't make them bisexual or homosexual, just as the homosexual who only engages in heterosexual sex isn't heterosexual.

The difference between sexual orientation and sexual behavior shouldn't make any difference--consenting adults should be able to engage in any sexual behavior they choose--but it does in today's society, as homosexuals strive to be treated as equals with heterosexuals. I've talked to some homosexuals who are disgusted with the homosexuality and bisexuality professed by people who will later attribute their behavior to a "phase" they were going through. They are angry because the rights and equality that they are seeking are being undermined by people who are trivializing sex and sexuality, and reinforcing the misguided notion that sexual orientation is a matter of choice. It would be like a white person who decided to be black for a while, or vice versa. Sexual behavior can be changed; sexual orientation, like skin color, cannot.

Last edited by FuglyStick; 04-28-2009 at 02:36 PM..
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