When I think of defending property versus defending life, This is all that I can think of:
The Fairfield Mirror - DiMeo Charged With Stealing Handgun in Donnelly Murders
The Donnelly murders stunned the community, not only because a murder had not occurred in Fairfield in nine years, but because the Donnellys were well-known and well-liked. More than 1,000 people attended the funeral. The Donnellys' daughter Tara also graduated from Fairfield in 2003.
A couple, at their business, gunned down because a man on a robbery spree decided that he would be better off not leaving witnesses. Their store was within line of sight of the police station.
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Do we suppose that an ordinary person - who was forced to take life against their will when attacking would go on television to boast about their kills?
In the nation state he lives, apparently his actions are legal, and the fact he stays that side of the line is an aspect of his personality, the aspect I am more interested in is that he wants to go on television and boast about the people he has killed; that in his store he has a gun every three feet. i really do not think anyone can credably make an argumeng "he doesnt seem boastful"... someone who does not want to celebrate the death they have caused doesnt volunteer to go on a TV show and desrcibe how the 5 victims were killed in lurid detail.
I'm not a psychologist, but from what little I see, this man has felt backed into a corner where he felt he had no other choice five times and is still suffering post-traumatic stress from it. He isn't so much boasting as he is once again reassuring himself that what he did was right. If he hadn't killed in self-defense, those criminals likely would have gone on to kill innocent people. Sometimes the right thing to do is shocking and traumatic. I suspect that he is also hoping to deter further robberies of himself and his colleagues by showing the dire consequences of robbing them.