It depends entirely on the people. I moved in with my girlfriend who was sharing a 2-bedroom apartment with her best friend. The friend said she was okay with it, but she wasn't really. We would always ask her to come do stuff with us, and she would decline, and then bitch about us always going out without her. We were engaged and eventually got married, and I think she resented the fact that we had all that lovey-dovey stuff going on while she had never had a boyfriend due to her unrealistic expectations. I was relieved to be rid of her.
I think one way of looking at this prospect is this: you won't all three be living together; they won't be living with you, you will be living with them. A couple becomes kind of an entity of its own, and it's always going to be two people and then you. It is far more likely that you will have to make more compromises than them to keep things going smoothly. If you are pretty self-sufficient and don't mind hearing their drunken sex through the wall now and then, then it is certainly a way to save money. But it's always going to be you and them, not you, her, and him.
Who is John Galt?