I've developed a view lately of being fine with semi-fulfillment. I learned a while ago that I am the type of person who is never going to be totally happy about anything (at least, not for long!). I am critical and analytical to a fault, and I am capable of finding flaws in anyone and anything... so I used to believe that nothing could ever make me happy, and that I should move on in order to seek perfection and completion.
It took a long time for me to learn how to shut up that side of me and just live a little, be happy with some degree of fulfillment, and not try to deconstruct everything that came across my path (believe me, I still have bad habits, but I tone it down a bit these days). This applies to my marriage, my career, living situation, everything... nothing will satisfy me 100%, so I try to teach myself to be content with semi-fulfillment, knowing that's as close as my critical personality is going to let me get to happiness. And I think that's alright, really. It's a process for me, learning how to deal with my own voices and not about expecting other people to fulfill my every need.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran