I don't live anywhere important...really, just a silly little town with nothing important. the city goes wild when a concert is held with popular people. hah.
Even so, even though I've never had to worry or concern myself with the possibility of a terrorist threat, I've seen airplanes fly low many times. I might not go to hysterics and panic, but it certainly is unnerving to see a big flying machine pass over your house so close.
So lets not ASSume that everyone that freaked thought they were under attack again, or at least, not after rational thought finally seeped its way into their brains.
Try to imagine 9/11 didn't happen, if this low flying plane still happened, wouldn't you wonder what the fuck was going on? And not just pass it off as nothing?
I know I'd be damn curious, and perhaps even cautious. But I'm not a fan of planes. Or high things in general. haha. :P