Originally Posted by Martian
Network security is a key issue for many people. This falls under that umbrella.
I'll keep my snide opinions about IIS to myself and just point out that (as the OP noted) this can be used to block IP ranges as well as individual addresses, which counters the whole dynamic IP thing.
You'd think but some isp's have multiple classes that they allot in and a certain block may end up too narrow. It also doesn't address the wide availability of access to the net unless he's living in historical times where he can ONLY access the net at work or home. Personally I can access the net at home, work, any mcdonalds, any coffee shop, at the book store, at other peoples unsecured wi-fi, and other places without even resorting to friends and the IP will be different at all of them, on different blocks as well. IF and this is a BIG IF I was blocked by IP I can always proxy my way through.
Originally Posted by Lucifer
Well, it may come to that eventually, but at the moment, the block seems to be working. I know he visited because the counter script I've got on the site picked up his ip address (he lives in another province - he's the only one we know that lives there) once from his home (I'm assuming - which is why I blocked his whole ISP) and a few more times from his company, whose gateway I've also blocked.
A password would be best if you want to keep people out, IP blocks just aren't effective unless your trying to block everyone and only allow a particular range of addresses. The next time he visits you probably won't/didn't even know it. Again I reiterate why the need to block wedding photos from someone your SO knew? Jealousy of some sorta? From my experience, jealous partners don't last.