I live at 8500' above Boulder, CO. My commute time in the winter is 30-35 min. In the summer, it can double due to recreational bicyclists that just can't comprehend that "share the road" applies to them, too. Despite signs everywhere stating "single file law applies", they ride 2 and 3 accross. We are talking about a winding canyon road that has a single passing zone in 15 miles. Even after the county widened the road to install a bicycle lane uphill, groups opt not to use it forcing all traffic to cross a double yellow line around blind corners to get by.
If bicycles are out, I am generally on a motorcycle, rather than a car. Even then, the bicycles are hard to miss. I've been clipped twice while passing them within a foot of the center line. Honestly, you'd think that if I can control an 800# motorcycle and keep it within a foot or so of the center line, a bicycle could manage to stay within the other 8'. In a few cases, I've used the bicycle lane to pass groups, where it seemed that their intent was to specifically block me.
I'm courteous if the bicyclists are, as well. 90% of the time, this is the case. However, I have no choice but to commute this path to work.