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Old 04-27-2009, 12:44 PM   #24 (permalink)
i was googling around for some answers today about minor consumption tickets and your post came up...
i got a minor consumption here at purdue on friday during grand prix weekend. my sober friend got pulled over leaving a liquor store and i was in the backseat. they breathalized everyone in the car, gave tickets to me and my two friends. the driver got a furnishing alcohol under the age ticket (he blew 0.0), the passenger in shotgun got an inducing a minor to furnish alcohol charge (because he was 21) and i got a minor consumption for just being in the car for the ride. i thought we were being responsible by finding a sober ride to the liquor store, but i guess not. grand prix weekend is a bunch of BS. oh, and the worste part about it, they ceased an uptapped keg of budlight which we had just purchased for a little over 100 bucks. what a heartbreaker!

now, this is my second minor consumption ticket that i've gotten. i got one visiting my brother at college when i was in high school up in minnesota. funny you mention your an aviation major, because my brother is a pilot and he was in school when we both received tickets. my dad got my older brother a lawyer to make sure that it didnt go on his record, but when we got to court they offered us a program where we could plead guilty, do community service, pay a fine, go on probation, and then the ticket would be thrown out 6 months later. friends of mine here at purdue who have recieved tickets during grand prix have all told me that because it is such a big party weekend, the court is lenient with allowing the ticket to remain off your record.

i saw that some people asked why anyone would consent to a breathalizer when in the backseat? the officer specifically told me that if i didnt take the breathalizer, they have the option to take me into the station, as well as the other passengers who were in the car. basically if i didnt play by their rules, they would do everything in their power to maximize the charges on me and my two friends. inducing a minor to furnish alcohol is a pretty hefty ticket so in the best interest of myself and my friends i consented to the breathalizer. i blew a 0.10, so i was by no means drunk.

my gameplan is to go to court thursday morning, just plead guilty with a diversion program that will make sure that it does not go on my record, and maybe some community service and fine. maybe ill see you there for court lol
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