Cyclists and drivers have to come to an understanding. I give cyclists a wide berth, and I wait for a safe time and give them a quick tap of the horn to let them know I'm going to pass. Most cyclists keep in the shoulder when possible and make themselves as little of an inconvenience to traffic when there's no option but to use a lane (which they have every legal right to do.)
Some drivers think bikes should stay off the road, and a noticeable number of cyclists feel no obligation to follow traffic laws. I suspect that if asshole drivers were given bicycles and forced to ride, they would blow red lights and keep a pocketful of rocks to throw at bad drivers. Similarly, I suspect that these cyclists who ride like jackasses would be the drivers in the 3-ton SUV or bright red sports car weaving through traffic, speeding, and treating the first five seconds of the red light like it's still yellow. There's a superiority/inferiority complex duality between the two because of the size, power, and safety imbalance between cars and bikes. In the end, I think people just need to chill out, leave ten minutes early so they have a buffer, and show a bit of courtesy toward fellow road-goers.