Originally Posted by dksuddeth
first, saying that scalia 'ignored' the well regulated militia part is blatantly false. The Heller decision states clearly that the right belongs to the people and that membership IN a militia is not needed to exercise the right. Every single document and statement of both framers of the constitution as well as the pundits of that era state quite clearly that it is the individual right and that the people ARE the militia.
Second, Olbermann seems to think that the Second Amendment only meant things like flintlocks, muskets, and other arms of that Era when it is quite evident that only 'arms' are mentioned and yet even by a lay persons strict reading of the bill of rights, said person could not be expected to believe that the first, fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments restrict a persons rights to components to exercise that right ONLY to that era.
Third, the usual feel good appeal to emotions about all the gun deaths, gun related injuries, and suicides to hype the bullshit idea that the second amendment is outdated and should be written off by a judicial activist decision so that it applies only to state national guards, which by itself is just plain fucking ridiculous, but by promoting such stupid assed shit like that, leaves every other natural right we have supposedly protected by the bill of rights, wide open to re-interpretations as the years move along.
I repeat, Olbermann should have kept his ass at ESPN where at least he could look somewhat intelligent as he belittled sports players.
I appreciate the fact that you don't like him, but it seems that all he's doing is disagreeing with your interpretation of the 2nd amendment. I still don't see where he was blatantly dishonest. Disagreeable, sure I see that, but I don't see dishonesty.