First, I think it would be a great idea for people who think the technique isn't torture, to have it inflicted upon themselves, or perhaps better yet someone they care about. Sean Hannity would make a great start...I'd also like to see old Dodgy Heart Cheney have it performed on him, and perhaps the Pretzel Master himself.
As an aside, I've heard you bitch a lot about that 60 minutes interview pan, and I have to say I didn't interpret it the way you all. I'm not a huge Obama fan-boy, but my impression was more along the lines of Obama laughing instead of saying "Fuck me...yeah, it's a tough nut to crack..." I didn't interpret his laughter as callous or uncaring, but more of someone who's in a shitty hard place, with a lot of tough problems to tackle, and a seeming sense of "well shit, where do I start?" I'm certainly no fan of some of his recent decisions, chiefly the wire-tapping and the attempt to quash investigations of the torture issues as they relate to chain of command, and I'm not crazy about a lot of the $$$ being pumped out into the private sector, although fuck all if I have a solution. But I didn't interpret that particular event the same way you did. Is it possible that you're seeing it the way you would like to, because you don't like Obama after the Wright incident?
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style