My father was in the Navy for 25 years. He's retired now. He's been restationed alll over the world. Places I know he's been to (deployment or stationed) are:
New York
North carolina
Philippines (where he met my mom and I was born)
Hong Kong
And all that was just in my lifetime.
I'm a total Navy brat and I'm still under his Tricare health insurance. I HATE Tricare. They make everything sooo difficult sometimes.
I LOVE the Navy Exchange! Thank goodness they've added more designer brands in the last few years. Including one of my faves: Lucky Brand.

I grew up in military housing.. namely Murphy Canyon here in San Diego.
My dad would always send my family souvenirs from his deployments. My favorite being the awesomely priced gold jewelry from Singapore and coins!
I loved it when my dad would take me around his ship and I got to meet the captain and the captain showed me around and I got to go to the front of the ship (it was windy!). I got to go to the crow's nest and they gave me tons of ear plugs for some reason. Whenever I went there.. they'd give me more and more.
The airshows were cool, too. My dad was a Mastered Arms Chief and I got to stand next to a huge gun when they shot it. I forgot why they were shooting the guns.. I think it was a drill or something. **shrug**
What freaked me out though was when they'd raise and lower the flag. Everybody would STOP and turn towards the flag or the music and salute until the music stopped. It just creeped me out how they did it automatically like robots. XD My dad still does it if we're ever at the base or the hospital.
He tells me tons of stories of his Navy days.. a lot of them were pretty crazy, but cool. haha